Taylor’s Sweet Sixteen

We are back from our little vaca week, and on the drive home last night, I finished up these pics for Taylor. Her mom had these done for her sixteenth birthday a few weeks ago. I thought they turned out really pretty! Here’s Taylor:
I bought this chair at an auction that our youth group had a concession stand at, and Taylor requested that we use it for her photos…check it out, her shoes even match!
I love this last one, it’s so romantic looking!:)Thanks for a great session Taylor!

Last night when we got home, we got to meet our 6 new puppies! We knew our dog, Molly Rocket, was going to have them while we were gone, so Johnny had moved her pen and house into the garage (since puppies will die in this heat) and had the neighbors coming over to check on her. The puppies are very cute, but as Maddie Kate says, “We don’t know who Molly’s husband is!”
If you are interested in a puppy, we’ll have some ready for a new home in 6-8 weeks!

And as you know, everything leads to an Ava story! She was out in the garage last night looking at the puppies while we were unloading the car, and as I came back out of the house, she was holding a can of red spray paint and saying, “Molly needs this!” but I quickly grabbed it away from her and put it where she couldn’t reach it. Then we noticed that there was a bunch of red paint on Ava’s neck and shoulder! She had somehow managed to spray paint herself!
It’s kinda freaky looking because it looks like she’s bleeding! Thank goodness it’s not! She was really mad when I scrubbed the paint off, and she was sad when I told her that her shirt is ruined. She said, “Mom, just laundry it!” which I have…twice…and it’s still red. We now have a new play shirt…too bad too, because it has a matching skirt! Oh well!:)

And just because he’s so stinkin’ cute, a pic of Cohen wearing his first ball cap.

jackiemyers - July 12, 2008 - 8:21 pm

THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks so much!! I love the one with the chair, prom dress, tree, oh….all of them!! Thanks again!!

the laws - July 15, 2008 - 1:20 pm

what a great birthday present for someone that age…well I guess mostly for a girl…but honestly very cool gift idea!

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