A wedding reception & comic relief by Cohen

I have been a bad blogger lately! Summer is so busy that I don’t have time to, which is crazy, because I really like to blog! It’s like journal time for me (I always kept journals in jr high and high school), so I don’t forget the things we do together as a family or the hilarious things my kids say, and I have absolutely not had time to do it lately.
Here’s what we have been up to (in no particular order) : It seems we have been to 50 of Maddie Kate’s pixie league ballgames (probably more like 15) so far this summer and traveled several short little trips. I had 3 weddings in June, and some sessions, went to Sesser Homecoming 3 of the 4 nights it was happening for the kids to ride the rides, my friend Kellie and her kids came to visit for a week, Johnny worked a week of camp, we went to my mom’s family reunion, had a 4th of July party with Johnny’s mom’s side of the family, my sister (and assistant) Alisa got engaged, Maddie Kate & I got out hair chopped off, and we are now on “vacation”, which this year consists of a family reunion in Missouri, taking the kids to the Zoo, and spending time at Johnny’s parents. I will post pictures of all this craziness later!:)
Now for a few pictures from a wedding reception I photographed a few weeks ago. The couple was married in Mexico a few months earlier, but they had a reception here to celebrate with all their friends and family in June. Here are some photos of Anthony & Erica’s celebration:
Above: This is the bride dancing with her Grandma! Isn’t that so cute!?
Thanks for letting me be a part of your celebration! Congratulations!

I did take 4 month pictures of Cohen, but I just finally edited a few of them…now that he is 5 months old! Ahh! Here are a few of my handsome cutie!

This one above is him saying, “MOM, stop it! You’re freaking me out!”
And the one below, Johnny says Cohen is too old for naked pics, but I say he’s not! This is too cute!One day last week, Cohen and I were dancing together and I was looking at his fat smiles and beautiful blue eyes, and singing sweet baby songs to him. He was smiling and laughing and gooing and cooing, and we were having the conversation every mommy has with her baby about never growing up. His fat little arms were around my neck and tears were coming into my eyes….and he decided that it was the perfect moment to puke on my neck. Thanks for the comic relief, little buddy!:)

Anonymous - July 10, 2008 - 2:57 am

Cohen is adorable he is so big since the last pictures you had on your blog

the laws - July 11, 2008 - 2:26 pm

great work with a cute couple! But my favorite is the one of cohen on the trunk, its like…UMMM are you sure I should be on here face from him!!!

jackiemyers - July 12, 2008 - 1:09 pm

Love the reception pics but Cohen is way toooo cute! Those big blue eyes!!! I love the naked pic!! I cant wait to see Taylors!!

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