The rest of Michelle’s Senior Session

We started Michelle’s pictures back in August, and just did a mini-session because she was waiting on her new cheerleading outfit. We finally got to finish her up in October! This was a really fun session! Michelle and her mom had great ideas for locations at and around their house, such as their barn and pond, and Michelle’s old tree house. We also went inside the Opera House here in Sesser (which was really dark, because we couldn’t turn all the lights on!), and we did bubbles with the studio! which turned out really cute!
Here’s Michelle:
This is my first attempt to put together a backflip onto one photo!:)
And here is her bubble storyboard, which I just love!
Thanks Michelle for letting me do your senior pictures! It was fun!

We have had a crazy time around our house the last week or so! Well, it’s always nuts, but this was worse than usual I think! Johnny’s dad had to have a procedure done in St. Louis early Wednesday morning and Johnny went to be there with his parents. My mom came to stay with me because I don’t like to be home alone at night!:)Mom and I worked on all kinds of things! I have been teaching her to eBay, because I used to do it all the time before my business took off like it has, and I don’t have time to do it anymore! She helped me get some stuff figured out for the PTO fundraiser that I have coming up this weekend (which there are still time slots available if any of you are interested!) and helped me choose and order packaging materials (no more delivering my prints in the cardboard boxes that they get mailed to me in…yeah!) and she babysat while I ran errands, took Maddie Kate to school and gymnastics, took our youth group to Judgment House on Thursday, and got things ready for our church’s Trunk or Treat that we had on Friday night! Wow, I’m glad I don’t have to organize that stuff on my own all the time (not that I did it all alone, several people pitched in to make it happen!) Johnny was very missed!! He didn’t get home until Friday night in the middle of our Trunk of Treat. And his dad is home and doing better….pray for him though, he’s not good at sitting still and he needs to!:)Then Saturday night was my Grand Opening Gala at the Mitchell Museum in Mt. Vernon, which was a big deal for me!
So like I said, a bit crazy around here. Please forgive me if I haven’t gotten you emailed or called back from the weekend!:)I will do my best to get caught up some before this next big weekend!

Taylor V - November 6, 2008 - 4:07 pm

AHHHH! the backflip picture is so cool! haha. we should try that with me, although I might severely injure something but oh well. great pictures as always.

Jen - November 17, 2008 - 11:25 pm

i LOVE the bubbles!!

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