Steve & Jessica’s wedding

This wedding was a fun one to photograph, particularly because the bride is so sweet and the groom is so funny! My assistants and I laughed a lot that day, and I actually laughed quite a bit while doing the editing, remembering funny things that happened or were said. It was a good time!:)Here are Jessica and Stevie…oops, I mean, Steve…:)
Thanks guys for allowing me to be a part of your special day!! It was very fun! Your online viewing will be available later today!:)

This month has been insane for our family with all the extra things that happen in May, such as graduations, ball practices, and my daughter’s birthday (we haven’t even had her party yet!) and all the senior rep sessions that I crammed in at the last minute. Now I will be getting back to work on some sessions! So if you are currently waiting on proofs from a session this month, I thank you for your patience! They will be available soon!:)

Anonymous - May 23, 2008 - 2:11 pm

These are such great photos and what a beautiful bride!! I am SO excited for Jessica to shoot my wedding in August! And go figure, I’m another Jessica. :)

Jessica Denton

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