Something NEW and some WINNERS!

I know, this might not be a big deal to most people, but it’s a big deal to me! I just learned how to make the pictures BIGGER on my blog! Yeah! This is enormous compared to the same photo in the last post!
Thanks to Bianca for helping me with this!!:)
I have been leisurely enjoying some time off the past few weeks, and have been pretty lazily messing around with some plans for the new year. I’ll get back into gear next week when school starts back, that makes us get in the “routine” again!

Okay, now on to the winners!!
First of all, I have been running a blog contest all fall semester for the seniors. The one who had the most comments (that counted according to the rules) wins a free 11×14 or 40 free wallets. Well, rules or no rules, there was a clear winner, and that is
Congrats Emmalee! Just contact me and let me know what you want for your free pictures!

The next little giveaway is for those of you who were gracious enough to email or comment me with feedback for 2008. I received quite a few of these, and cannot thank you all enough for the kind words and suggestions. As I said, I put all your names in a drawing, and the winner of the $75 to spend on prints or a session fee isThanks Lori! Please contact me and let me know how you want to spend your gift!


Freshly COMPLETELY updated website…yup, this is LONG overdue!:)
Several new products/specialty items
New pricing…possibly some collections…
Someone new working for me…my mom!:)

Happy New Year! Looking forward to a great 09 with you all!

Anonymous - January 12, 2009 - 2:11 am

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so excited!
If it’s okay, we would like to wait for warmer weather so we can take outside family pics. I’ll be in touch.
lori laur

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