So by now you probably know…

…that when I have a blogging lull a week or longer that I am either out of town or editing a wedding…this time it has been BOTH! It feels like we have been out of town for all of July…it’s funny how I look forward to the vacation times, but then am thankful to be home when it’s all over with!:)Last week we were gone with our youth group on a trip to our denomination’s National Convention in Charleston, WV. We had a good time, I left the girls with my parents and took Cohen with us. We sure missed the girls though! This week I have been getting back to doing sessions and working on this wedding.
Jared & Erin’s wedding was a lot of fun to photograph. They had chosen a great location for photos (on the college campus where they met) before the ceremony, and we got a load of great pictures! The wedding party were troopers, everyone was boiling, but still very willing to do the photos that the Bride & Groom ( and I) wanted to do.
Here are several of my favorites from Jared & Erin’s wedding!Yes, this groomsmen jumping picture was before the wedding…I think we ended up with a few grass stains!:)
Check out the butterfly! My assistant shot this, I just love it!We had to walk partway across the campus to get to a fountain….I love this one of them on the road!This fountain was so pretty! We kept having to wait on the jets to go up!
Just a few moments before the big ceremony!
Thanks for allowing me to capture your memories on your special day! It was a lot of fun!

I know I just posted Cohen’s 4 month pictures, but we did his 5 month ones (I keep taking them about 2 weeks late, so technically they are 5 1/2 mo pics!) and I wanted to show him off a bit. These were his daddy’s ideas, and I think they turned out super cute! Plus we did these on Johnny’s 30th birthday, so that makes them a little more special!
Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Anonymous - August 1, 2008 - 7:41 pm

Cohen’s pictures are soo cute! I absolutely love the first one! Chantal Suhr

jackiemyers - August 1, 2008 - 11:49 pm

Erin and Jared’s wedding pics are beautiful!!! I love Cohen’s pics! He is soooo adorable!!

Lori Laur - August 3, 2008 - 1:47 am

Jared and Erin’s pics are beautiful! I have no idea how we are going to choose our favorites. Thanks for doing such a great job!

Anonymous - August 3, 2008 - 4:20 am

i love cohen’s pictures!! they are adorable!! oh and also i need to set up a date with you this month (if your not booked) for my other mini senior session!

Jamie - August 7, 2008 - 5:19 pm

I LOVE THESE PICS OF Cohen and Johnny of course! They are great!!

Erin Laur - August 7, 2008 - 6:53 pm

You did an amazing job on our wedding photos! We love them all! Cohen is adorable! I can’t help but smile when I see his pictures!

Maddie Kate - January 17, 2011 - 12:04 pm

Sooooooooo cute!!!!!

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