Prayers for Wyatt

Wyatt’s Mommy, Rachel, has asked me to make this post to request prayer for her sweet little boy. I have taken pictures of Wyatt a few times, the first time was for his newborn pictures with his twin sister, Paisley. They were my very first twin newborn session. This picture is from November of 2009, and is a canvas in my studio. (I know you have seen these images before, but I want to show my favorites!)

And this storyboard is from Wyatt & Paisley’s 1 year session with me in November 2010. They are sitting in the same pea pod, with the cocoons on their heads! I just love this, it shows how much they grew the first year!

Here is the note from Wyatt’s Mommy:

On March 4, 2011 while teaching a 4th grade social studies class I received a phone call from my mother saying that 911 had just been called for my 16 month old little boy, Wyatt William. He was seizing and had stopped breathing. She wasn’t really sure what had happened. The 20 minute drive to the hospital seemed like an eternity. I kept imagining that I would get there and this would all be a big mistake. It would be someone else’s Wyatt or he would have just been teasing and acting silly. I would get to the hospital and everything would be just fine. But instead, I ran into an emergency triage room where my little boy was unconscious on a bed. He had tubes and needles and oxygen attached to him. He was only wearing a diaper and an arm band. I have never been so scared in my life. My husband was already there holding Wyatt’s little hand and looked terrified. After hours of assessment and tests and waiting it was ruled that my son had a febrile, or fever induced, seizure. Because we live in a small, rural town in Southern Illinois, we were sent to St. Louis Chidren’s Hospital to have Wyatt evaluated by a neurologist and monitored overnight.

Everything seemed fine, even the neurologist thought so. She said this is actually more common than we realize and that it most likely wouldn’t ever happen again. She reassured me that febrile seizures only looked scary but that they didn’t cause any type of long term damage. We were happy, the doctors were happy. They moved us out of our room to do the whole discharge thing and then, it happened. Three doctors, one of which was our neurologist, approached us and directed us to a private, single room. They were dressed in NICU attire as I call it…gloves, yellow coats, masks…we were scared. They told us that the last blood test has come back and that what they had originally thought was a lab error turned out to be confirmed. My son, my 16 month old perfect little boy had no neutrophils. Now, if you are like me, I had never even heard the word neutrophil before that minute but it turns out those little guys are pretty important seeing as how they make up more than half of our immune systems. A healthy person has no less than 1,500 of them. In a matter of 5 minutes, our lives were flipped upside down. Because his white count was so low, we would be staying in the hospital on total isolation. We could not leave our room. And, because his white count was so low they were looking at a few of different things…anything from a simple viral infection to leukemia. Seriously? All I kept thinking was, “Did they just say that? Did they just tell me that my son, this precious little boy whom I had grown in my body, might have cancer?” I was sick. I was in shock. The days that have followed have been a nightmare. We were eventually discharged with strict orders of isolation. Wyatt can’t have any visitors. And for doctor visits or blood draws, he has to ‘suit up’ in his gloves, coat and mask. His twin sister, Paisley is pretty jealous. We have to let her have a mask, too to keep the calm in our house at this point. We have been praying feverently and hoping that Wyatt’s white blood count and neutrophils would go up but to no avail. He has gotten up to 200 and then bounced around back to 84 I think was the lowest. The fact that his numbers aren’t getting back to normal really has the doctors concerned. And us, too. We feel afraid. We feel helpless.

Now during our time of need, we are calling all our friends and family, all Christians really to pray with us during this rough patch. We are praying for Wyatt to be touched by the hand of our Almighty God and to be healed. God made his perfect little body and he has the power to heal him and make him whole once again. There is nothing too big for our Lord to fix. I ask you please, dear friends, join my husband Will, my daughter Paisley and I as we pray for good news for Wyatt as we meet with the Hematologist/Oncologist at St. Louis Children’s this Friday. Please pray Wyatt’s full recovery, for answers and for peace. Please pray that it is the Lord’s will that Wyatt does not have cancer in his little body, of any form. Please pray for the healing of my entire family. Pray that the Lord will show us all a miracle very soon, through Wyatt. Thank you in advance friends for taking the time to pray for my family, for my son. I pray that very soon I will have a testimony of God’s unyielding mercy to share with you all. I pray that I will be able to share the story of a true miracle.

Thank you, for everything.

Please pray for Wyatt!!!!

Kathy - March 17, 2011 - 11:31 pm

Just sitting here in tears… one of parents worst fears. I am so sorry and I hope his health returns to normal with no positive results for cancer. So very sad for this little boy.

amelia wilkinson - March 17, 2011 - 11:42 pm

Oh Wyatt, I found this story from Alma Tallman’s facebook! Im so sorry you have to go through all of this! You are such a perfect little godsent blessing. My prayers are with you tonight and always! Get better soon little man!

Sincerely, Amelia Wilkinson!

gloria - March 18, 2011 - 2:37 am

Will & Rachel (& grandma)

Please know that many are praying for you and even more so, know that the LORD, He IS GOD. “be strong in the LORD and in His mighty power”. God’s arm is not shortened and His mercy endures forever and ever…

Gloria Pittman

Maddie Kate - March 18, 2011 - 8:43 am

I hope little Wyatt feels better! Praying for lil’ Wyatt to feel better! Will, Rachel, and Paisley love you!

Tree - March 18, 2011 - 10:23 am

I will absolutely be praying for Wyatt!

Jackie Weatherford - March 18, 2011 - 3:10 pm

Keeping little Wyatt and your entire family in my prayers!

Kari - March 18, 2011 - 3:57 pm

Praying for this little guy!!!!!

Christine - March 18, 2011 - 4:31 pm

I am praying for this beautiful precious child of God!

Debbie King Killian - March 18, 2011 - 6:54 pm

Father, In the Mighty Name of Jesus I come before your throne on Wyatts behalf. Your word says that you give us power over serpents and scorpins and over all the power of the enemy of NOTHING shall by any means hurt us.I rebuke death from Wyatt and tell it to loosen it’s hold on him in Jesus Name. I stand against principalities,powers and wicked rulers in high places and declare their assignment for Wyatt is null and void. I ask that YOU give the Doctors wisdom and knowledge concerning Wyatt, for he is your child. I tell you satan that you can not have Wyatt, for God has mighty plans for him or you would not be so eager to try to destroy him. I speak to his white blood cells and command them to line up with the word of God, which proclaims that by Jesus’ stripes we (he) is healed and his blood count will return to normal. For greater is HE that is within us that he that is in this world. I claim Wyatt for the Kingdom of God and satan you can not come and steal, kill and destroy.Father I ask that you give his parents and family members a PEACE that surpasses all understanding. I thank you Lord for the healing that you are performing this very minute. Let his parent know you for the El Shadiah that you are…for you are with them. I claim complete and total healing and I thank you Father God, In Jesus Name, Amen.

LLS - March 18, 2011 - 8:42 pm

Hope Wyatt is ok! Please know that if it is leukemia, there is a local organization and support network available to you.

Denise Cairns - March 18, 2011 - 9:26 pm

please know you are all in my prayers and God is there for you in all aspects of this ordeal and his love will carry you through.

Laura McGee - March 18, 2011 - 9:50 pm

Praying for you and your family. Reading this really puts life in perspective and it makes me thankful for the little things God gives us each day. I will pray for healing and peace for you.

james watkins - March 18, 2011 - 10:12 pm

dear lord jesus christ we all in one agreement, you said in your own word, where 2 or more are gathered in your name that you would do what ever was asked of you. well dear lord this little man needs a touch that only you can deliver and we ask beliveing in your name our lord jesus christ that this precious little man be found with no cancer or anything elsr that would hinder him from becoming the man you made him to be. in jesus name we pray that you touch him right now dear lord an beliveing that you did we say thank you and praise our lord jesus christ.

Debbie - March 18, 2011 - 10:18 pm

You are all in my prayers, especially Wyatt. The pics so precious!!!!!

Babs Albon - March 18, 2011 - 10:28 pm

I have been praying for Wyatt and his sister and the family for almost 3 weeks. I am on my 3rd Catholic Candle I have a twin brother. We were very sick as infants. My brother was the sickest. We are both great now and are 56 years old. Wyatt, just hang in there, little buddy! Lots of people are pulling for you. I put you in our church bulletin in Overland Park Kansas this week so even more people will pray for you. I will pray some more in Church for you tommorrow.

Becca Reed - March 18, 2011 - 10:30 pm

I said a prayer for your dear sweet boy before I commented and will say one after and until you get good news. I know the fear you are facing losing my own son 3 yrs ago and now having my second son who is 16 months. God has his angels watching over him and you all. Keep your strength up during this time and we will keep the prayers going on this end. God Bless you and your family.

Peggy lynn Erwin - March 18, 2011 - 11:05 pm


Melanie - March 19, 2011 - 9:29 am

My best friend’s daughter was diagnosed with lukemia around the same age as Wyatt. They had almost the same scenario.
After months and months they determined that she needed a bone marrow transplant. The transplant did it’s job! For many years it was late night trips to the ER anytime she got sick because of the transplant but today she is a happy healthy 16 year old.
I wanted to share their story with so that you know you are not alone and that God does have the power to make this all ok.
We will be praying for all of you. Praying that God gives you the answers you seek and that you get the miracle you are asking for.

Jeremy Strasser - March 19, 2011 - 11:56 am

Rachel, we will be praying for Wyatt, Paisley, Will, and you.

Lisa Steele - March 19, 2011 - 12:42 pm

Touched my heart to hear this story. There is no reason that even though I do not know you, and we probably won’t ever meet, that my prayers cannot be poured out to heaven on your behalf. As a mom myself, my heart breaks for you. And truly believe that Our Almighty God is in control and He cares for little Wyatt more so than we could ever. Peace upon your family and your mind at this time. His perfect peace.

Rachel Kremer - March 20, 2011 - 8:47 pm

thank you ALL! and God Bless you for asking the Lord to heal my son!

Carol Wollesen - March 28, 2011 - 6:38 pm

Just finished reading very touching email and pics of your little twins. They are adorable. I am praying as I write this & sharing with all prayer partners to lift you all up in health & spirit. Tears are streaming down my face as I feel the power of God & just know it takes a lot of Faith and Believing It Will Be Done. Will keep praying for all of you.
I lived in So Illinois & my 5 year old son was hit by golf club that was swung backwards smashing whole left jaw & face. Had to wait for helicopter to fly Dr in to Mount Vernon hospital (closest from Chicago). My son was sin Intensive Care for 3 weeks after 18 hours surgery. Today he is 45 years old, handsome with a strong will for survival. GOD DOES HEAL & PERFORMS MIRACLES. They said he wouldn’t make it. WELL Praise God, he has his own family with two kids now. KEEP BELIEVING AND ACCEPT THE HEALING WHEN IT HAPPENS. I don’t know if you know Bobbi West but she is my neice battling cancer in Marion. Lots of Prayers going up now. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers & help all to cope & believe in the healing of this precious child.

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