Oh no, an NEW Ava…

So guess who did this? No, it was not Ava, the queen of big messes…yes, it was Cohen. He has been on a roll this morning. He discovered that he can open the doors on the bottom of the hutch next to the table, and he has been getting my china out and clinking it together! Not cool! Then the last time I was putting the china away, the little stinker toddled over to the table and reached up and dumped my cereal and milk all over the table, the floor, and himself! Super fun! I was mad, but you know me…not mad enough to forget to take a picture of it!

This weekend was wild….I took pictures for a fundraiser for DuQuoin’s Youth & Government, and with all the snow days the kids had last week, the coordinator, Sarah, had a hard time getting things organized, and we had to cancel Thursday night completely and squish those sessions into Fri and Sat. It all worked out okay though, and now I have almost 40 sessions to edit! I will post some of those as I get to them, hopefully in the next few weeks!
Then yesterday we had a Taco Dinner fundraiser for our youth group and a Super Bowl party, so yesterday was very busy too! I am glad to relax a bit today…except for the new mess maker boy! He will be 1 on Saturday, so we have some work to do to get ready for his party! I will post some of his cake smash pictures later!:)

I’ll leave you with a few more snow day pics from last week.
This is all 3 kids sticking out of the igloo that Johnny, Maddie Kate, and our neighbor Peyton worked very hard to build:

Our neighbor, Peyton took this one for us!:)

And here’s me with the girls and Johnny with Cohen on the 4 wheeler.

Jamie - February 2, 2009 - 7:00 pm

Oh man I hope he and Ava don’t start working together! :) I love the snow pics, you have to send that one of Cohen and his BEAUTIFUL eyes to Regis and Kelly’s beautiful baby contest, he has a great shot!!!

Anonymous - February 3, 2009 - 6:31 pm

Surely not Cohen!! I know he’s very busy and has lots of work to do in a day, but surely he doesn’t make messes. 😮 Can’t wait to see him walking everywhere!

Maddie Kate - January 17, 2011 - 11:01 am

Cute lil’ fam!!!

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