Just finished up…

…some beautiful wedding photos and thought I would share some of my favorites (there are lots!). Here are Brett and Lindsey on their special day!
Isn’t this the neatest car? I thought this was a great idea for photos, it belongs to the groom’s grandfather. Love it!The ones below are some my assistant, Heather, took.
Thanks for allowing me to have a part in your big day! It was a fun wedding and so pretty! The church was beautiful, and I loved getting to go to the nearby park for the outdoor photos. They turned out so pretty!

We went for our 37 week Dr. appt today, (I will officially be 37 weeks on Thursday) and the dr. says everything is just fine, the heartbeat is perfect, I’m measuring right on track, and he thinks everything looks wonderful. Also, he said at this point the baby is considered full term, and they would do nothing to stop labor if it should decide to start. That’s exciting!!

Expect lots of previews this week, as I am going to tackle things and try to get lots done before this sweet baby gets here!:)


P.S. Last week the wonderful schoolhouse location was accidentally burned down! I was supposed to go get some of the wood to use in my studio someday (like those awesome blue-green doors, and some of the wallboards) but I am obviously too pregnant to do that myself, and Johnny was really sick last weekend. So we didn’t get over there after Grandma warned us we needed to hurry up on it, and then Grandpa was burning some brush nearby and it accidentally caught the schoolhouse on fire too….so sadly, there is no more schoolhouse! I really hate it too, because that was a fabulous location…:(We’ll have to be on the lookout for more great spots this next year!

Anonymous - January 31, 2008 - 3:52 pm

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Not the SCHOOLHOUSE!!! gone…gone just like the white shed….the devil is really trying to mess us up, but we will never quit!! but im still sad…………(crying)


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