I’ve been a very bad blogger lately….

So, I woke up the other day thinking about what a bad blogger I have been lately. Do you ever do that?…wake up thinking about something that needs done or something you haven’t thought of in a looooonnnggg time? I do…a lot!

Maybe not just lately, but for the past few years I haven’t been too great about blogging. Oh sure I post a sneak peek the day of each session, but I haven’t had any real posts on here since May, and I’m actually still backed up all the way to February of this year! Not to mention I never post anything personal about my life or my family anymore! I never feel like I have time to! Originally that’s what this blog started out as, a journal of sorts about my family. I even called it “It’s a Sweet Crazy Life” because that’s what it was. Well, it still is, obviously, I just don’t post the cute little anecdotes or happenings of my wonderful family anymore. Anyone remember the days of Crazy Ava and the sharpie on the new sectional or that fun stuff? Things like that still happen around here sometimes! I probably haven’t really since Cohen was a baby, I’m not sure. I think maybe I stopped when I started using facebook and I could just post a quick status update about whatever funny thing my kid just said or what we were up to.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m also expecting our fourth child, a boy, this December…what am I thinking?! Oh yes, I’m thinking that it seems like someone is still missing in our family…so here we go…one more little Hollis!

So basically, this post is to say, that I am going to catch up on the posts…and then I am going to be a better blogger.:)

Maddie Kate - August 21, 2011 - 5:23 pm

love u mommy!!!

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