Sorry to everyone who has been checking for updates! I have been very busy with my new son!
As many of you know, our baby was born last Thursday, February 7th at 2:47 pm. He weighed 8 lbs and 3 oz and was 21 1/4 inches long. We named him Johnny Mark Cohen Hollis. I never thought I would name my child such a long name, but we decided it would be sweet if he was named after both of his grandpas. Johnny’s dad’s name is Johnny, too, and my dad’s name is Mark. We just liked the name Cohen (recommended to us by some girls in our youth group!) and that is what we will call him.
Everything went wonderfully with my labor, they started the pitocin and broke my water at 8:30, and everything progressed pretty quickly and smoothly. I am SO very thankful for epidurals though! There were 2 women who had been induced that morning before I was, and they were ahead of me in line to get an epidural. I had to wait an hour from the time I was ready to get the epidural until the anesthesiologist could get to me! That wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t fun either! Just feeling that much made me have SO much respect for everyone who has managed to have babies without drugs. My mom had all 6 of us without drugs, and I must say, she is tougher than I give her credit for! Anyway, once I was feeling happy with the epidural, my daughters came in to visit me, and several other family members. My sister Alisa took a million pictures of everything for me, and I kept saying,”What are you doing?” and she said, “You’ll like it later.” and she is right! I have lots of beautiful details of the day, and I think I might just make myself a flush mount album of it! Here are some favorites of the big day:This is the last picture when there were only 4 of us.
Dr. Walters, Cohen, & Johnny
Maddie Kate & Ava meeting Cohen
Maddie Kate just cried and cried. She loved finally getting to see him.
This is the first picture of the new family, all 5 of us!
Here he is, his first close-up!
Here are my 3 children! Maddie Kate and Ava are wearing Hannah Montana t-shirts that Cohen gave them!The next few pictures are from Cohen’s first unofficial photo shoot in the hospital. Johnny brought along his teeny tiny baby sized football, and we had to take a few of Cohen with it.
He has already changed SO much! I feel like his face doesn’t look nearly so fat & squishy as it does in this picture. He was 1 day old here.This is big sister Ava helping give baby Cohen a bottle.
My sister came over on Sunday afternoon before she had to head back to college, and she did a little family photo shoot for us. I have a few edited, so I thought I would share. I am so happy we were able to do this so soon after he was born!Well, I haven’t slept much lately, and here I am up! I need to be in bed, sleeping when this little guy is, so off I go! I’ll post the February special in Cohen’s honor sometime tomorrow!:)


Anonymous - February 14, 2008 - 3:12 pm

Yay! Welcome baby Cohen! He’s just precious! Congrats, Jessica!

-Hannah Greever

Anonymous - February 14, 2008 - 5:05 pm

I will say it again, he is adorable! I think only you could make a hospital gown look nice! Congrats!

Jamie - February 14, 2008 - 5:36 pm

Well even though I seen him in real life and on myspace I was still checking your blog to see more of him! He is so cute and I love all the pics! He is very lucky to have you as his mommy!

Anonymous - February 14, 2008 - 5:56 pm

Wow! What a gorgeous baby. Little Cohen was born on my Mom’s birthday. That’s pretty cool! Congrats to you guys.
Sarah Kary

Penn Family - February 14, 2008 - 8:58 pm

He’s so sweet! Give that sweet boy lots of kisses and snuggles from me!

Can’t wait to hold him again!

jackiemyers - February 15, 2008 - 2:21 am

What a precious baby boy!! Congrats and God bless!

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