Ava’s very late 2 year pics & Two Seniors

Today I was on the phone with a guy about the Bridal show that I am doing on Sunday. Ava, of course, chose that moment to scream and cry and need everything in the world that she had not needed in the past hour! Why do kids do that the second you get on the phone? Anyway, I got her to be quiet and go into the other room, and when I got off of the phone I went to check on her. She had gone to the potty by herself, which was a good thing, but then she had started dipping the plunger in the potty and unraveling loads of toilet paper all over the bathroom! It was just a second, but she managed to make quite a mess!
Believe it or not, Ava turned 2 back in August and I hadn’t officially taken her 2 year pictures until this past Monday! I know that is ridiculous, you’d think the photographer mommy would be doing a better job than that!:)I took her and Maddie Kate and tried to get some of them together, but really I didn’t feel like it went that well! Once I got home and looked at them on the computer though, I was happier than I thought I would be! Maddie Kate is a pretty good assistant, she helped me get a few shots of Ava’s dimples! I have only edited a few of them, but they turned out cute, so I thought I would share them!

Now I have a senior girl preview! Seniors are always fun to shoot, and this one was no exception! She was willing to go on a hunt for some new locations for her pictures, and that’s always fun for me! Here is Alecia!
Thanks so much, and I will call you next week with your proof book!:)

This next Senior boy is very near and dear to my heart…he’s my brother! It was sprinkling on us while we were doing some of the outdoor shots, and my daughters were in the car watching a DVD and eating pretzels, but I think we did well despite the distractions! It was fun for me, because with family, all the pressure is off and I can have total artistic freedom! Here’s Logan!
This weekend is going to be a crazy one for me! I have a session tomorrow afternoon, a wedding on Saturday, and as I mentioned earlier, I’m going to be at the “Once Upon A Dream” bridal show on Sunday afternoon. It’s going to be at the Rend Lake Resort and Conference Center on Sunday, October 21st, from 1-4 pm. So if you are a bride or helping someone plan a wedding, come see me and all the other vendors at the show!


Anonymous - October 22, 2007 - 5:54 pm

First of all, I think our kids would get along great..haha. They always scream when I’m on the phone…no matter what! Also, my boys, particularly, Jacob, loves to unravel the toilet paper! If he’s left alone in the bathroom, I know to expect to see lots of toilet paper all over the place..lol. Jacob gets into everything, and many of the stories you have told about Ava, I can sit back and say to myself, “Ah, I remember when Jacob did something like that.” Kids are so funny, and I never know what to expect out of them:)

I hope you are feeling good. I’m so excited for you and your little baby boy. I can’t wait to see what you’re going to name him!!!!

Take care,

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